Hey hey!
So! I've been a busy little bee working away for my MA Mid Point Review, but I'm glad to say that went rather well, so I can start posting again!
In celebration of the midpoint success (and because we try to go out to dinner on a regular basis) some friends and I went and had a very posh pizza and then went to the Life Drawing class over at the Book Club sponsored by Cass Art.
The Book Club's a great little venue, and seems to have quite a lot of great things running (electro swing and blues nights!) and the class itself was great. The leader was giving out tips, wine and all art materials were included in the cost. Excellent.
Anyway! Here's my favourites of the sketches I did. A short 5 minute (in the middle) and two 15's. Please excuse the quality of the digital copies - these are on A2 so running them through my A4 scanner would be difficult.
See you soon!
Stunning as always. I particularly like the sense of grace in the first two sketches, and the sense of awkwardness in the final one. You have a knack for conveying personality through a single image which is compelling.