Sunday, 28 October 2018


Hello my lovely loves!

Just a little one today - I've been slowly working on more detectives after my Sherlock and John, and this time we have the Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.

You may remember that I was her last Halloween, and this year Mum contacted Every Cloud, the makers of MFMM, and arranged a lovely surprise for me.
As I couldn't go to our Gatsby fundraiser (which was 1920's themed mainly because of Miss Fisher), Every Cloud TV sent me a signed photo from Essie Davis (Phryne) and Ashleigh Cummings (her companion, Dorothy), a hand cream branded from their upcoming movie (which I'm VERY excited about) and a beautiful limited edition silk scarf. Who could ask for anything more?

After that it felt only right for Phryne to be my next detective.

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